Monday, March 1

My Graduate Student

For those of you who think that graduate students (particularly in science, which is my field) are smart, I offer this. In a few days, I will show you why I have decided to do this. Here is the first example. It is the lead-off sentence of my student, for their second chapter on why you should be interested in the techniques (implemented by this particular student, by they way), is this:

Along with studying combustion chemistry another main focus of these experiments was to show that microwave spectrometry is a good candidate for studying these types of experiments.

Believe me, it gets much, much better (or worse, depending on your point of view). For me personally, as a teacher, it's really sad. I want you to understand that this is just as much an expose on my failure to teach,  as it is what I have to work with. This is what is sent to me, not out of high school, but out of an institution that grants Bachelor's Degrees (and I use the caps only out of respect for an accredited institute of higher learning).

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