Wednesday, November 18

Shorter Sarah Palin: FAIL!

I might add to this later, but really, I think this says it all.

Friday, November 13

Deep Thought:

How many times do I have to watch Judge Judy until I see someone I know on the show?

Tuesday, November 10

Sarah Palin Used Up

Laugh! Somehow I knew it would come to this.

Saturday, November 7

Why Republicans shouldn't be in control of anything

The House Minority Leader, john boehner, on the floor of the House, in defense of his own amendment, pronounced the word hyperbole as "hyper-bowl".


P.S. The rest of the speech was epic non-sense.

Friday, November 6

Torture Ain't Cool In the Future

Just happened to come across this episode of TNG on re-runs on cable. It originally aired in 1992, how prescient (and tragic) this episode was for depicting our current lives.

We have sunk so low as humans to tacitly accept that torture is acceptable if it is done by our own government. By whatever means. To keep 'us' safe. I say, I shout, that it is a stupid premise. Humans torture to get false promises, those promises are the ones that validate the individual...the individual torturing. It is a sickening display of humanity.

The 'effectiveness' of torture isn't revealed until the late in the last clip. But it is chilling, nevertheless.

Here's 1

Here's 2

Here's 3

Friday, October 30

And one more thing...

The Bears better not blow it this week. The past two weeks have been trying on my soul. We should stop the Browns, I'll just be happy with a win.

Fuck the 5th!

Okay, let's not throw the 5th amendment out the window. It certainly helps protect the average citizen like you and me. But you know what? If you're an elected official (or work directly for an elected official) you shouldn't be able to hide behind the 5th on state business. Otherwise we get shit like this:

Just answer the question douchebag.

Tuesday, October 27

Droopy Used to be Cool When I Was a Kid

You remember Droopy, the sad-sack dog with over-sized jowls who consistently lost his (strangely) human girlfriend to a howling, bug-eyed, wolf in a zoot-suit, who states at the end of the episode: "You know what, that makes me mad." Droopy then proceeds on a rampage to crush the wolf and win the girl. In my youth, Droopy was cool.

Enter Joe Lieberman. The 21st Century Droopy.

Why is it that everything in my adult life is infinitely less cool than when I was a kid? I can only surmise that Lieberman took the wrong cues from Droopy. I.E.: Whiny is cool, kicking ass isn't. To date, Lieberman has failed to "get the girl".

Today is a great example. Only a day after Harry Reid announces his plan for health care reform, Lieberman comes out publicly to say he won't vote for cloture on a public option (never mind that Connecticut, the state he represents, has a state-run public option, never mind that the people of Connecticut strongly support a public option). He's going to join Republicans to block the vote on health care reform that the party he caucuses with supports.

Month-after-month this ass reminds my why I didn't vote for Gore (btw I could have had my balls ripped from my body and I wouldn't have voted for Bush). Personally, (do I need to say that here?) this D-Bag is just looking for a cookie. I have to believe that if he wants to run for re-election he has to vote for HCR.

Never-mind, ass is as ass does, enter Joe Lieberman.

This is the guy who can't tell the difference between the girl and goat. Consistently. I weep for what Droopy has become in the 21st Century.

Wednesday, October 21

Hello, Here's How This Started

You want to know all about me?

I'm mad, secular, liberal, and white. There.

You want to know why I started this blog?

Here: Here.

More later.


Chauncey Baker