Wednesday, June 2

I'd scream but I'm hoarse, also, too.

This really pisses me off.

It's a tweet/twat by Sarah Palin (twat) that says her "Drill,Baby,Drill" mantra was meant for land-based drilling.

I had a long screed prepared but I just don't have the fortitude to publish it. I can't do it. This woman has become a bad parody of herself.

When is somebody going to take this idiot down? I've been waiting for it, it hasn't happened yet. It hasn't happened yet because this clown won't answer any questions.

Here's the deep question: I wouldn't vote for Bozo (or Krusty for that matter) based on his ability to run a bucket toss. I would vote for him if he offered insightful, substantive questions on foreign policy, energy policy, immigration, civil rights, etc. that offered real solutions that our country could agree on. At this point, the only thing separating Sarah Palin from Bozo (or Krusty) is the make-up.

This country better wake up pretty God-Damn soon.

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